Resource Library

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Social Security Administration

How we can help if you're blind or have low vision.

Overbrook School for the Blind

Website for the school in Philadelphia that provides education for students who are blind or vision-impaired. Offers both day & residential programs.

Beacon Lodge

Summer camp for children and adults who are blind, low vision, and have other disabilities.

USA Today: Tired of reading glasses? Eye drop submitted for FDA approval may help you read without them

New drug could help more than 128 million Americans read without needing glasses has been submitted to the Food and Drug Administration for approval.

Researchers Fear Vision Impairment Dooms Future Generation

The number of individuals suffering from vision impairment expected to rise to 895 million by 2050.

Caring for the Vision Impaired

A handbook of resources for the Informal Caregive compiled by Dan Roberts with Prevent Blindness.

Helpful Caregiver Resources

A list of resources helpful to the caregiver of a person with vision loss.

Early Intervention Technical Assistance Portal

Helping families get involved in shaping early intervention services at the local statewide levels.

Interacting with People with Vision Loss

A guide on how to respectfully interact with people with vision loss.

APH (American Printing House for the Blind)

Accessible learning experiences and independent living for people who are visually impaired.

Organization Tips

Ideas for staying organized while living with vision loss.

Magnification Apps

A list of smart device apps that serve as magnifying devices.

Paths to Literacy

Website providing literacy activities for parents of students who are blind or visually impaired.

Technology and Caregiving

Information from the Technology and Caregiving session of the Family Caregiver Support Webinar Series conducted by Home Instead Senior Care.

Cell Phones for the Blind

A list of recommended cell phone for people who are blind or living with low vision.


Website offers assistive technology, curriculum, and services for individuals with disabilities.

Enabling Devices

Website with devices, tools and toys for people with disabilities.

Wonder Baby

Website for parents with young children with visual impairments or multiple disabilities.

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