Job Search Tips

Tags: Advice and Insight

VisionCorps’ Mission is to empower individuals with vision loss to attain independence. For those living with blindness and low vision, finding a job can be an important part of the independence process. Below are some tips to help with searching for employment.

There are some things to think about before you start searching for a job. Do you want to work full time or part time? What is it that you want to do? Do you want to work in an office setting or a production setting? Answering these questions will help you figure out where to start looking for a job.

In addition, you will want to think about transportation. How will you get to and from the job? Is there a public transportation route close to the job, or will you need to use another source of transportation such as Uber or Lyft?

Some things to make sure you have prior to applying for a job:

  • Resume
  • References
  • Eye report

If you don’t have a resume, you will want to create one to give to potential employers. A resume is a brief written summary of your past employment history, education, and other pertinent information. Resumes are important because they are often the first impression a potential employer has of you. Without a favorable initial impression, a potential employer is not likely to consider you as a candidate for the job.

Think of a resume as a tool for marketing yourself. It’s more than just a document; it outlines your background, your skills, and your education so that a potential employer is easily able to see how your individual experiences can contribute to a company’s culture and success.

There are a lot of resources out there to help you create your resume including templates, examples, and guides. With a little creativity and thought, your resume can be a way to communicate who you are and why you are perfect for the job at hand.


Where do I look for jobs?

One question I always get is, “Where do I look for jobs?” Here are some suggestions:

  • Local newspapers, while the actual paper has job postings, most also have online job boards
  • Traditional job boards like Indeed and CareerBuilder
  • Company websites
  • LinkedIn
  • Google and Yahoo Groups
  • Friends and family

The last tip is to be brave and take that leap of faith to find a job if that aligns with your goals. You can do it!

“The challenging part is in the beginning; it’s a leap of faith. But I think the most important thing is to just do it. Start.” — Tom Szaky