Emily Appreciates the Opportunity to Help Others

Tags: Adult, Advice and Insight, All Ages, Employee Stories, Employment Opportunities

Emily Abel likes her work at VisionCorps and appreciates the opportunity to help others.

“Even if I can’t do certain things, what I do here will help others,” she said. Emily works on the manufacturing lines making helmet pads for the U.S. military and on other projects.

Her favorite job at work is screen printing helmet pads.

“I love it – it’s really fast-paced and hard – but it’s the job I would prefer doing.”

Emily, who is blind and received services from VisionCorps when she was younger, began work on the at VisionCorps in 2021. She had graduated from Elizabethtown High School and wanted to find a job.

“I know that 70 percent of blind people are unemployed, and I’m glad that I can get out and do something,” she said.

She likes to work and said it helps her “be her own person.”

“I don’t want to be in my home environment 24/7 where I’m limited to being with a few people,” said Emily. “At work I’m with other people who are going through the same thing and I can talk to them.”

When she’s not at work, Emily likes to play games on her phone and watch YouTube.

She also enjoys playing with her cats, Prince and Elvis, named after “dead music icons.”

“Prince is cuddly and he’ll meet me at the door and wait for me to pick him up. He also sleeps with me at night,” said Emily.


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